A new TeamPage logo, and a new look at Traction Software.com

June 9, 2014 · · Posted by Greg Lloyd

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Traction TeamPage 5.0: Social Software for Work

Traction TeamPage Videos

Human Resources

Human resources groups have the heavy burden of managing policies, training material, and standard forms. They also have to take in and respond to questions and communicate frequently to the whole enterprise. This is a big job to do, but it's easy with TeamPage.

Dashboards simplify the communication job

A TeamPage Dashboard is easily configured to display the latest policies, training material, Q&A and other material. You can easily change the sections here to show company events, announcements and anything else employees may need know now about.

Sections can display the latest questions and a list of all that timeless policy content.

Moderation allows HR to control key documentation

Permission controls manage who can author, edit and who can read drafts. So, the links that appear in grey in the dashboard above may only appear to a select few people.

In the example below, a user with permission can read the draft or published version and is able to Publish the draft version to open it up for everyone else. You can use the content of the page to carry the message, or attach any number of documents. You may also write wiki links to related content or links to forms that may exist in TeamPage or on other enterprise systems.

Edit history and audit trail tracks all changes

You can sleep at night knowing that all changes are tracked in TeamPage. Moderation history even tells you when certain versions were published or unpublished. The ability to Read Edit History is a permission, so you can also restrict this information to the core HR team.

Ask and Answer Questions

HR Teams are bombarded with questions on policies, benefits, training opportunities and a wide range of other issues. You can establish a Q&A section in an open space, or set it up to receive questions in a private space only visible to the HR Team.

Using a task to receive questions offers the chance to assign questions to a subject matter expert to be sure of follow-up.

That's just the beginning

Contact us to learn more about how TeamPage can make your HR function more productive, how TeamPage Premium Search can make finding anything a snap, and why banks, hospitals and many other organizations have adopted TeamPage to establish an HR communication hub.


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